W h a t  s h o u l d  m y  f a m i l y  w e a r ?


Let's chat fashion! Anyone who knows me, knows I am an avid lover of fashion.  Before becoming a photographer I earned my BFA in Fashion Design and Product Development and was a Designer for 10 years.  Needless to say, you came to the right place for styling assistance. 


If you are looking for the matching route, I suggest everyone wear dark denim on bottom (skirt or pants), navy top and a pop of color (like yellow or green) as an accessory.  Wearing a navy dress/skirt is acceptable too.  Everyone doesn't have to be in pants.  The pop of color can be necklaces, bracelets, earrings, shoes and a scarf.  This color palette looks great on a big group!


Another and more popular route family pictures are going towards is a casual yet unified in color theme.  Families are steering away from the matching tops and gearing towards wearing 3-4 colors as a group. If you’re a family that loves color I suggest adding “pops of color” to your outfits. Outdoor sessions are more pattern-friendly, so don’t be afraid to add a little more to your outfits. These looks are well accessorized (see my trend boards below).   Instead of matching tops, everyone has there own look yet still unified as a whole group. There is no right or wrong here, it's simply a personal preference on color scheme.   This approach looks effortless and personalized.   Jeans and khakis are perfectly acceptable.  Maybe Mom can wear a knee length dress/skirt and Fall leather boots? This fashion styling goes for the kids too.  Maybe the boys can wear a plaid button down, sweater cardigan, and denim pants.  The girls can wear printed jeans with a blazer, or a tulle skirt with a chunky cardigan.  Steer away from solid color short sleeve shirts.  They tend to look a little plain.  I like variety.  I like everyone confident with what they are wearing yet keeping it dress casual. I like to think of family sessions as a mini fashion shoot.  Nevertheless, it will be A LOT of fun and I hope you enjoy shopping for a new fun Fall outfit! 

Remember, have fun and coordinate!